T.E.A – jolly satisfying Traditional English Ale. We’ve brewed it in Tongham, Surrey for over 20 years, with the finest English malt and local Fuggles hops.
Mad hogs and Englishmen.
The Hogs Back Brewery is located in Surrey, England, on a famous ridge of land called the Hog's Back. The brewery's biggest brand is T.E.A. (Traditional English Ale). The brewery and beer have recently undergone a brand redesign, and our job was to create a local campaign to raise awareness of the new design. The idea that wonderful things happen on the "Hogs Back" was a natural fit.
Advertising Agency: Wild Colonial Boys, London, England
Creative Directors: Jeff Suthons, Dean Turney
Art Director: Jeff Suthons
Copywriter: Dean Turney
Illustrator: Bob Venables
Typographer: Steve Kettell
Published: January-June, 2012