A new social campaign dedicated to dangers of smoking as a part of the project "Don't you care?!". The main goal of this campaign is to recall about unavoidable health problems that are awaiting tobacco lovers. Myocardial infarction, impotence and lung cancer are just a part of diseases' list which every smoker can face because of his addiction. Each print contains QR-code leading to Foursquare online-page, where users can check-in at 10 nearest "No Smoking" places in Moscow. This check-in expresses intention to be free of tobacco and then the user can share his decision with friends and associates. According to Russian Ministry of Health, there are 44 million people who suffer from nicotine addiction in Russia. Smoking kills 400 thousand Russians every year.
Advertising Agency: BBDO, Moscow, Russia
Art Director: Alexey Starodubov
Client Services Director: Katherina Guvakova
Account executive: Ksenia Rubtsova
Project Manager: Konstantin Usatov
Senior designer: Timophei Ilyen